Here I am back in Melbourne after our
Tassie trip. This is a cow in a tree?

Since leaving Melbourne we've been slowly travelling around North East Victoria. First we visited
Wilsons Promontory NP where we went on some walks and visited Squeaky Beach with its squeaky sand. Here's a view of the coast from the top of Mt Oberon:
Next we made our way to Mt Buffalo NP. We drove up and up and then walked the final part to get to the summit. Unfortunately it was misty but it was still very beautiful. Here's Nic making his way back down. I think we've been down under for too long as we both did the walk in our flip flops (thongs!).
The next day we did not get out of the van due to the heavy rain and the following day we found 3 spiders (2 of them huge Huntsman's) in the doors. They'd obviously come in to hide from the rain - scary!
The next day the rain stopped so went went on a lovely walk. Unfortunately we still had a lot of mist so we didn't see the gorge.
On the way down the mist cleared and the views were spectacular and the water falls were gushing like crazy because of the all the rain.
We left Mr Buffalo and drove through the Alpine ranges to a place called Yackandadah, where we stopped at a lovely campsite full of ducks and ducklings.
Next we headed to Wodonga/Albury, which experienced flooding recently as it's on the famous Murray River. Up to this year they'd had 15 years of drought, so the area is gorgeous and green instead of the normal brown. We stayed 2 nights, all on our own (apart form the possums and very noisy cockatoos and kookaburras), at a lovely spot in Mt Ganya State Forest.
While we were walking around the top of the mountain (big hill) we very briefly saw a Lyrebird (very exciting) and this huge crazy looking beetle:
We've seen too many spiders in the last few days, including this small spiky chap:

We'll now be crossing over the border into New South Wales, which feels really strange. We're only a days drive from Sydney, which means our loop of Australia is almost complete. Amazing! We will however be taking a very converluted route as we've got 6 weeks to get there!