We went on a whale watching trip and saw 2 magnificent sperm whales. Than we saw a pod of about 500-1000 dusky dolphins playing around the boat - totally amazing and definitley one of the best days of our lives.
We went swimming with seals - saw 1-2 day old babies falling into the sea and being saved by their poor mums! Also a big male who seemed to enjoy swimming with us. We will definitely do this again some time it was amazing.
Tues 22nd
Skyped Mum and Dad and it was lovely to see them and catch up. We cycled to see a seal colony and then we got the train to Christchurch. We checked into our hostel and then headed out to meet up with Estelle (our french cylcing friend that we met 2 months ago, Emma and Michael, and Dale and Mo (who we met at the top of Takaka a month ago). We all went to the pub and everyone got on really well. So funny meeting up with all these people in the same place.
I think this is a genuine reason for an 'OMFG' - that is awesome guys .
wait till you see the video ;-)
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