We left Manapouri and headed off on a ferry for an hour and then on a bus for another hour until we reached our boat which would be home for the next 22 hours on the Doubtful Sound. Our skipper was Daz and our cook and general wonder woman was Yvette. There were 6 other guests on the boat and we had an amazing time. Words cannot explain how magical this place is.
Here is a picture of us looking down before we got on our boat.

Nic caught a Blue Cod - Yvette cooked it up for breakfast - delicious!

We had this (and other) crayfish for our starter that evening - you can't get much fresher!

I caught my first fish - a Spotted Spiny Dogfish - they appartently taste bad so we set him free. He was wriggling around like crazy due to being very angry and this is why I look a bit concerned!

One of the many waterfalls in Doubtful Sound. There's not been much rain here for a while so they were a bit less impressive than normal!

Here our a silly tan lines - 4 months of cycling sandals!

We saw bottle nosed dolphins - they are very large and very beautiful. They swam with the boat in the evening and then the next morning. As the sun over the past week had warmed up the water we got in to swim near them. We were smiling from ear to ear!
Here are some of the guys doing their thing.

In the morning we woke up at 7am and it was misty. We got off the boat at 9.30 and drove through the mist. This was the view of the valley at the top of the pass. The valley was filled with mist and it looked like the icing on a cake.

This place was unbelievable and we didn't want to leave. I hope you enjoyed it too?!
Wow - great pics :)
What a crack up about your tan lines!! very fetching :)
Hope you are still having a wonderful journey
Hi Nick/Jeanette
Your pics are amazing. Especially loving the dolphins and seal ones. I am so jealous.
On a more mundane note, please can you email me when you get a minute. I only have Nicks old UK address and I have a query on the final accounts.
Thanks and take care
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