In the evening we went to the tiny yacht club and brought in the new year with the locals. We got to bed at 4 am and the next day had large hangovers.
On the 2nd Jan we cycled 50km to Deloraine. We've been taking it easy and having short days to get our bodies (especially the bottoms) used to cycling again.
Up until 2 days ago we had lovely sunny weather and we've really enjoyed being on the bikes again.
On one of the days we had lunch in Westbury whilst watching the local cricket. Here I am under an enormous wicket!
These are amazing sea dragons that they get in the waters around here:
We also went to the Platypus House and saw platypus and very cute echidnas.
We cycled to George Town and met a man outside the Information Centre who offered us a free place to stay. We followed him to his house and we camped in his lovely garden. He's called Peter and has a disabled son, also called Peter, who he cares for. He was so generous and in the evening we all went to the beach and had fish and chips. Here I am with the 2 Peters.
In the last few days we've cycled over some biggish hills (I'd forgotten just how much fun a 7km downhill can be!) to get to St Helens. We're now managing to cycle over 70km a day which is great. Unfortunately the weather has taken a turn for the worse and it's very wet. We managed 11 nights in a row in the tent but yesterday we bailed out and booked ourselves into a cabin for 2 nights.
Fingers crossed for sun soon. At least it's not like poor old Queensland!
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